Welcome to this year's contest, which includes 43 categories, covering everything from a short news story or single photograph to in-depth, comprehensive news coverage that takes took months of time and effort to produce.
CATEGORIES are listed in the FAQ section of the site.
You have until 11:59 p.m. on March 8, 2024, to enter your material, but we encourage submitting entries early – in case you have questions about the online system.
We encourage all members to nominate individual journalists from their news organizations for special awards in these categories:
Payment may be made only by check or money order, payable to the Rhode Island Press Association. The worksheet outlining the news organization and the number of entries in each category MUST accompany payment.
2023 Editorial Contest Flier
The fee is $20 for the first entry from each publication (i.e., individual newspaper flag) and $10 for each subsequent entry.
Enter Our Awards Now! Sign Up Here